Victoria's Great Outdoors

Better campgrounds, walking trails, 4WD tracks and visitor facilities for Victoria.

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Investing in our great outdoors

Victoria’s Great Outdoors is a $106.6 million investment in better campgrounds, walking trails, 4WD tracks and visitor facilities in Victoria’s parks and state forests.

We want to make spending time in nature and experiencing the health and wellbeing benefits of getting outdoors easier for everyone.

We've provided more opportunities to explore our parks and forests. This includes building new and upgrading campgrounds, trails, tracks and visitor facilities, halving the cost of camping in national parks and supporting employment and volunteer initiatives to protect our environment.

These projects will create jobs, boost regional tourism and support local economies while ensuring everyone can enjoy more of our great outdoors.

How we're investing

Cutting national park camp fees in half
Building new and upgraded campgrounds
Building new and upgraded walking trails
Improving 4WD tracks
Grants for camping and caravan parks
Supporting conservation and volunteer programs
Hiring seasonal rangers
Creating the new Yallock-Bulluk Marine Park
Planning for the Sea to Summit

Working together

Victoria’s Great Outdoors is delivered in partnership with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action and Parks Victoria, and working in close collaboration with Traditional Owners, local communities and stakeholders.

Supporting regional tourism

The Victorian Government is helping communities get back on their feet following the 2019/20 bushfires, coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and storms and flooding events.

By building and upgrading visitor facilities throughout regional Victoria, we've helped to create jobs and support the recovery of local communities, small business and regional tourism.

Investing in visitor infrastructure provides a much-needed boost to regional tourism by offering more opportunities for people to visit regional areas and enjoy the outdoors.